Aug. 2017

Dark Matters is our latest feature film.

Check out the Kickstarter page & video BY CLICKING HERE to see what we're up to. The gist of it: Dark Matters is a mystery-thriller film about a group of filmmakers (us) who are uncovering the world of a dangerous secret society.

Despite the fact that we're all professional filmmakers who make a living by doing this, we're all working on this project 100% for free because we're passionate about the project. We're also using all of our own gear & equipment - the Kickstarter is to help us get from location to location. Most people don't know this but when making a film, locations can be one of the most expensive parts.

If you like what you see and want to see this story unfold on your screen, check out our Kickstarter and donate to our project! Thank you so much for reading this and have a great week!